There are two ways of spreading light:
to be the candle or the mirror that reflects it.
Edith Wharton
"The holidays of were fast approaching, with fall colors evolving into snowy vistas."
As we reflected at the end of another challenging and amazing year, our joys and pain seemed intertwined with our hopes and dreams for the future. Creating special times
for laughter, friendship, and love helped us spread the light near and far in 2021.
No matter the occasion --- whether we hosted a noisy houseful of friends and family,
made time to connect with someone during a simple Tea For Two,
or planned celebrations with an elaborate layout, full of fabulous food and lovely decor,
we had an amazing year helping to make memorable events happen for all of our guests.
Thank you for helping us to have the happiest of holidays and a wonderful year!
Here's to a safe and joyous and wonderful 2022 as we meet and plan for love and adventure, for celebrations and rejoicing, for reunions and revival.
Much love to all,
Lisa and Bill